Usually in mobile or touch devices there is no pointer. The alternative is, for example, display the coordinates of the map center.
Download latest release
- Source code in
folder - Minified versions in
- Source code in
Include js and css files located in the
folder (production) or/src
<!-- Production-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/L.Control.MapCenterCoord.min.css" />
<script src="dist/L.Control.MapCenterCoord.min.js"></script>
<!-- Development / debug -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/L.Control.MapCenterCoord.css" />
<script src="src/L.Control.MapCenterCoord.js"></script>
- Then create a MapCenterCoord control and add it to map:
You can also add configuration parameters.
Configuration options
The MapCenterCoord control inherits options from Leaflet Controls.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
position | String | 'bottomleft' |
The standard Leaflet.Control position parameter |
icon | Boolean | true |
Shows crosshair icon on map center |
onMove | Boolean | false |
Update the coordinates of the map center while dragging |
template | String | '{y} | {x}' |
Display template |
latlngFormat | String | 'DD' |
Show lat/lng coordinates in 3 possible formats: Decimal degrees 'DD' (DDD.DDDDD°)Degrees and decimal minutes 'DM' (DDD° MM.MMM')Degrees, minutes and seconds 'DMS' (DDD° MM' SS.S") |
latlngDesignators | Boolean | false |
Show N-S and E-W |
projected | Boolean | false |
Show projected coordinates |
formatProjected | String | '#.##0,0' |
Number format mask for projected coordinates. JavaScript Number Formatter project: sample/help page |
DM and designators
Degrees and decimal minutes. Show N-S and E-W.
latlngFormat: 'DM',
latlngDesignators: true
Degrees, minutes and seconds.
latlngFormat: 'DMS'
Projected coordinate system and change crosshair icon
Show projected coordinates and change crosshair icon.
- Link proj4.js library and Proj4Leaflet in your HTML document, define projection and configure map:
<script src="">
<script src="./lib/proj4leaflet.min.js"></script>
var etrs89N31 = new L.Proj.CRS(
"EPSG:25831", "+proj=utm +zone=31 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs", {
origin: [238379.2278, 4265559.3497],
resolutions: [
305.75, 152.87, 76.437, 38.219, 19.109, 9.5546, 4.7773, 2.3887, 1.1943, 0.5972
var map ='map', {
crs: etrs89N31,
center: [39.588, 2.935],
zoom: 0,
layers: [orto],
continuousWorld: true
- Define new crosshair icon using css:
.leaflet-control-mapcentercoord-icon {
background: url(../dist/icons/MapCenterCoordIcon2.svg) 50% 50% no-repeat;
- Configure MapCenterCoord control (update map center coordinates while dragging, no decimals and edit template):
iconFile: 'MapCenterCoordIcon2.png',
template: '<b>ETRS89 UTM31N</b><br>x:{x} y:{y}',
projected: true,
onMove: true,
formatProjected: '#.##0,'
Leaflet v7.x
Tested ok on Leaflet 1.0 beta2
Some tested platforms
Android 4.4.2: Google Chrome 47 and stock browser
iOS 9.2: Safari
Desktops: Windows 7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Google Chrome 47, Firefox 43, Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, 11 and Edge 25